Sunday 6 March 2011


Now you'll be able to use custom Meta Tags for every blogger posts which can assist you to extend the visibility of your pages in search engines, this will be done by adding very little piece of code in you section of your blog, with the assistance of this code you'll have completely different description for individual blogger posts.

Navigate to the Dashboard > Layout > Edit HTML and Add below code into your <:head> section. must be before section.


<data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/>

Benefit of the above code are:

1. If the Page is your Home page then the Blog Title will be Home Page Title
2. If the page is inner page means Post Page then Blog Title would be Post Title
3. If the Page is your Home page then Meta Keywords and Meta Description would be for your Home Page Only.
4. If the Page is your inner page means Post Page then Meta Description would be your Post Title.

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