Wednesday 6 February 2013

Secure Your Website from Google Panda

It seems Google is not in the mood to stop fire from his gun on spamming, irrelevant backlinks and duplicate content. Also there is a truth that few spammers now changing its strategy as per Google Panda firework. They now start doing spamming for their competitors website like backlinks spamming to make them suffer with Panda. Don’t know how valid it is and what will Google do against these kind of spammers.

Few in this post I am sharing few quick action items for your website to protect it from Google Panda:-

Ø  Avoid Duplicate Content – Almost all search engines now working on its algorithm to kick out duplicate content websites from its ranking. So the very first thing now to keep in mind is to avoid duplicate content. Use rel=”canonical” if you want to use same content on different pages or block pages via robots.txt. 

Ø  Choose preferred domain in webmaster tools to avoid any confusion for crawler.

Ø   Avoid low quality and low value content as the main objective of Google Panda is to provide users the pure and relevant content for its users. Delete any content that you think is of that kind.

Ø  Avoid spamming which is either in the form of poor quality backlinks, spammy profile links etc.

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