Thursday 19 July 2012

Google Webmaster’s new feature - associates to manage your YouTube presence

Almost all organizations have multiple presences on the web in different social media websites. It's important that visitors to these other properties have confidence that they are actually associated with the Webmaster Tools site.

Google webmaster announce a new feature in Webmaster Tools that allows webmasters to add "associates" -- trusted users who can act on behalf of your site in other Google products. Unlike site owners and users, associates can't view site data or take any site actions in Webmaster Tools, but they are authorized to perform specific tasks in other products.

For this initial launch, members of YouTube's partner program that have created a YouTube channel for their site can now link the two together. By doing this, your YouTube channel will be displayed as the "official channel" for your website.

To add or change associates within Webmaster Tools

  1. On the Webmaster Tools home page, click the site you want.
  2. Under Configuration, click Associates.
  3. Click Add a new associate.
  4. In the text box, type the email address of the person you want to add.
  5. Select the type of association you want.
  6. Click Add.
Management within YouTube
It’s also possible for users to request association from a site’s webmaster.
  1. Log in to your YouTube partner account.
  2. Click on the user menu and choose Settings > Associated Website.
  3. Fill in the page you would like to associate your channel with.  
  4. Click Add.        
  5.  If you’re a verified owner of the site, you’re done. But if someone else in your organization manages the website, the association will be marked Pending. The owner receives a notification with an option to approve or deny the request.
  6. After approval is granted, navigate back to this page and click Refresh to complete the association.
Through associates, webmasters can easily and safely allow others to associate their website with YouTube channels.

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