Cascading Style Sheet(CSS) optimization is transforms your HTML by abstracting inline style.CSS specific techniques-
Good CSS involves planning from the very good beginning for CSS layout style.To create a solid CSS-
Use a reset stylesheet.One solution to overlay specific selectors and cross- browser compatibility is to use a reset stylesheet.
Use the following techniques-
Good CSS involves planning from the very good beginning for CSS layout style.To create a solid CSS-
Use a reset stylesheet.One solution to overlay specific selectors and cross- browser compatibility is to use a reset stylesheet.
Use the following techniques-
html,body,div,span,applet,object,iframe,a, address,code,del,em,font,img,q,s,strike, strong,tr,td,b,u,i,centre,ul,li,fieldset,h1, h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,table,caption,tbody,label,{ margin:0px; padding:0px; border:0px; outline:0px; font-size:100%; background:transparent; } |
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