Monday 27 September 2010

Google's ranking formula

Google uses about 200 ranking factors to determine the position of a web page in the search results. Unfortunately, Google does not reveal the list of ranking factors and how exactly they are weighted.

Google's ranking formula is a business secret. The problem is that your web pages must have all of these 200 elements if you want to see your pages on Google's first result page.

The web pages that are listed on Google's first result page for your search terms obviously have all the ranking elements that are needed to get a top 10 position on Google for that search term.

If you want to be listed for the same search term, it makes sense to analyze the top ranked pages.

In which page elements do they use the search term? How many links do the top ranked pages have? How many of these links contain the search term? How often should you use the search term in the different web page elements and the links?

Analyzing the top 10 pages will help you to greatly improve the rankings of your own web pages for your search terms.

The easiest way to analyze the top 10 ranked pages and your own web pages is to use IBP's Top 10 Optimizer.

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