Wednesday 7 July 2010

Google Dance Tool

The Google Dance Tool is provided as a tool to help the webmaster determine when the Google search engine is spidering the internet. This is extremely useful if you want to know when your site(s) will rank in Google.

The name Google Dance is a term used to describe the index update of the Google search engine. By using the Google Dance Tool below, you can easily determine if Google has started their monthly spidering of the internet. Type in a keyword you would like to search for and choose some of Google's data centers to perform the search query on. You will then see a page displaying the search results of all the Google data centers you have chosen. If any of the results between the different data centers contain discrepencies, then you know that Google has started to spider.

We have also written a nice little script that is FREE for you to use that has deamed itself useful. With the use of the Google Web API, it is now possible to perform search queries on the Google search engine to find information concerning a variety of information. These include how many sites link to yours site, search results on any particular keyword, your site's ranking in Google.

If you notice that there are any differences in results between the different Google data centers then Google is in the middle of spidering the internet. It's that simple

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