Wednesday 30 June 2010

SEO Formula = Search Behavior + Logic + Code Analysis Knowledge

As known SEO is all about optimizing a page for search engines to help cache information related to users queries. Think to a point that you are helping search engines to know about your pages. This will certainly help you to become a good SEO specialist.

Anybody who knows how search behaves for users queries will be successful to rank well. Knowing search behavior is key knowledge that helps to understand how keywords as well backlinks work for top listing. Search logic will help to improve the solid business conversion and it should come through experience handing various domains both international and local.

As always search engines like to crawl content pages easily and code analysis knowledge for a SEO person is very much essential and it will help to format the code by removing unwanted or arranging codes in a desired format, adding right search engine friendly tags that support easy web page crawl and as well help to reduce the pages size.

Hope the SEO formula made you to think and if you know something similar or have come across any other, feel free to post it through comment section.

Saturday 19 June 2010

Subdomains vs Subfolders

When it comes to SEO in general, when should I use subdomains vs subdirectories (subfolders)? The decision to utilize subdirectories and or subdomains is an information architecture consideration and is largely based on how you want your site's content to be recognized by the engines.

Search Engines treats sub-domain as different site and subdirectory is an organizational component of an existing site. Generally, subdirectories are used when you need to describe what individual pages on a site are about, and sub-domains are used when you want to describe what an entire site is about. Google considers sub domains separate from their parent domains: is considered a different site altogether compared to when it comes to search engine authority

An example of Subdirectory is
An example of Subdomain is

sub-directories gain faster keywords ranking as compared to sub-domains. The reason is that subdirectories are part of a existing domain which is already indexed and have back links. If we are adding any new folder or page to the site then it will inherit the benefits of web site.Technically, you need to put little more efforts for managing sub-domains as compared to sub-directories. In case of Content, Sub-domains are definitely winner as compared to sub-directories for content management.

Geo targeting: Sub-domains are an effective way to target different regional or geo-targeted content markets without setting up separate site for each location.

Separate Servers: You can host your sub-domain on a separate server and you can point your sub-domain to that separate server. Sometimes, webmasters are required to do it so that they can manage their stuff cost effectively. It might be the case that primary domain is working on a server where a particular service is not required and it may be costly on that server and in order to manage everything more effectively it is one of the options which webmasters can utilize.

Multiple search results: We have been able to acquire multiple listings for some of our clients by using sub-domains strategy. It allows us to pull around 4 listing in first page.

If anyone is using sub-domains strategically then it can deliver good results and we can take example of Google which is having multiple sub-domains. But it is totally business and marketing decision to pick the option when to use what. You need to chalk out a list to figure out your requirements then you can take a final call whether you should go for sub-directory or sub-domain.

10 essential SEO Tips & Tricks

Sunday 6 June 2010

7 Advanced SEO Tactics

Listed Below Are 7 Advanced SEO Tips

1. Syndicating Articles that Link to Your Sitemap

They are also valuable pieces of search engine bait because search engine crawlers are frequent visitors to many high-profile article directories. If you want to get the spiders quickly crawling your site, simply submit an informative article to a site like EzineArticles, GoArticles, or ArticleCity.

2. Translating Your Website Into Other Languages

Are you marketing in just one language? If so, you are missing out on 64.8% of your marketing potential. This is because 64.8% of the world is surfing the internet in a language other than English. By becoming a multilingual marketer, you immediately open up a stream of new markets. Google alone crawls web pages in 35 different languages.

3. ROR Sitemaps

ROR sitemaps and they are readable by all search engines, not just by Google or Yahoo.
ROR is an exciting new sitemap tool that uses XML feeds to describe your website. These sitemaps are structured feeds that enable search engines to complement text search with structured information to better interpret the meaning of your site. With a ROR sitemap, search engines can better understand your products, services, images, newsletters, articles, podcasts, and anything else that you want to describe.

4. Keyword Phrases that Convert

if you target keyword phrases that are 3-4 words long. These terms are much less competitive and have been proven to convert much better than keywords that are 1 to 2words long.

5. GoogSpy

GoogSpy is a free research tool that will tell you what keywords your competitors are bidding on.

6. Internal Links Within Content

The navigation of your site is a crucial element of your search engine optimization campaign. Each link within your navigational structure should correlate with a keyphrase that you are trying to rank for.

7.Using Your Log Files for SEO

One of the most valuable pieces of information found in your log files are search phrases. The log files will tell you exactly which keywords people are using to find your website.

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